Yonghao Song

I am a Ph.D. student at Tsinghua University, supervised by Prof. Xiaorong Gao.

I obtained my B. Eng. degree in Information Engineering and M. Phil. degree in Control Science and Engineering at South China University of Technology.

My research interests focus on Brain-computer interface and Deep learning, with emphasis on visual modeling.

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I'm interested in analyzing brain signals, and building new interfaces to help individuals suffer from neurological disorders. Representative papers are shown below.

Decoding Natural Images from EEG for Object Recognition
ICLR, 2024
paper / code / openreview
Convolutional Transformer for EEG Decoding and Visualization
IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, 2023
paper / code (star 200+) / braindecode
Global Adaptive Transformer for Cross-Subject Enhanced EEG Classification
IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, 2023
paper / code
Joint Spatial and Temporal Features Extraction for Multi-Classification of Motor Imagery EEG
Xueyu Jia, Yonghao Song, Lie Yang, and Longhan Xie.
Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, 2022
paper / code
Transformer-based Spatial-Temporal Feature Learning for EEG Decoding
Yonghao Song, Xueyu Jia, Lie Yang, and Longhan Xie.
arXiv, 2021
paper / code
Common Spatial Generative Adversarial Networks based EEG Data Augmentation for Cross-Subject BCI
Yonghao Song, Lie Yang, Xueyu Jia, and Longhan Xie.
arXiv, 2021
paper / code
A Practical EEG-Based Human-Machine Interface to Online Control an Upper-Limb Assist Robot
Yonghao Song, Siqi Cai, Lie Yang, Guofeng Li, Weifeng Wu, and Longhan Xie.
Frontiers in Neurorobotics, 2020
Assistive Mobile Robot with Shared Control of Brain-Machine Interface and Computer Vision
Yonghao Song, Weifeng Wu, Chengqi Lin, Gengliang Lin, Guofeng Li, and Longhan Xie.
Water Conf., 2020

Many thanks to Jon Barron for sharing this template.